College Grants for Single Mothers
When you are a single mother, you have plenty of things to worry about. Besides the tuition for school, your books, and other expenses that go along with going to college. One thing that will relieve the pressure, at least financially is a grant. College grants for single mothers is money that is given to you by an institution or organization that will allow you to pay for educational tuition and extra expenses and you don’t have to pay the money back.
A grant is not considered a loan. It is an amount of money that is given to you for specific purpose. Once the tuition and your other expenses are paid, you can use the money for whatever you wish.
When you take out a student loan, you will have to pay the money back. This means that through the end of your college career and you come upon the date of graduation, six months later, you’ll have to start paying bills towards the college education loan.
If you are single mother, this may not be a prudent thing for you to do. Remember that college grants for single mothers do not have to be repaid but a loan does.
But by getting a college grant you may be able to transcend from an academic career to your real-life career without owing any money.
You need to fill out the FAFSA before getting any college grants for single mothers.
To apply for a grant, you can either go to your financial aid office or talk to a financial aid officer, or you can go online and find out what grants are available for you. Your financial aid officer will talk to you about local grants that will help you pay for college.
You may have to have special admissions requirements for each grant. Those which are federally sponsored require that you have a low income or that you do not have a job. Fortunately, the grant will be adjusted for your economic need.
Other grants are given to you from the state in which you live and have to meet certain financial and academic guidelines. You have to prove that you have a good grade point average and that you will finish school in a timely manner.
If you search for a grant online remember that any time a website asks for money upfront, it is probably a mistake to choose that company. The purpose of a grant is to give you money not take your money.
The resources that they use to find grants on the Internet are the same resources that you can locate with the proper search words. Don’t look at the first or second web pages listed on any grant our scholarship offer you see. Rather go way past the popular hits and find the obscure grants that nobody has applied for.
You can find specific grants for sexual orientation, ethnic background, or religious affiliations. There are even some grants for political affiliations. You may find specific college grants for single mothers.
As a single mom, you will probably be given some leeway in the application process. There are a lot of grants out there for single parents, and if you are single mom you even have an added bonus to the application process. You are a female and the gender itself will allow you more accommodations for grants and scholarships.
You are a single parent and this alone will prove that you have financial need. Apply for as many grants as you can, because if you are not accepted by one, you will have a backup source for other finances. Don’t limit yourself to college grants for single mothers as there are other types you can look for too.
A friend of mine just emailed me one of your articles from a while back. I read that one a few more. Really enjoy your blog. Thanks
It is nice to see another good blog out there enlightening prospective college students about potential grant and student loan scams. A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post on a similar topic. I feel it is very important to educate students and parents on the harmful con artist in the world.
It is great that there is others helping individuals to find resources to pursue their education. Keep up the good work.