On occasion, I am featuring a work from home parent on the Mom Pays for College Blog. Frederick Pohl helped me on my extreme sports video blog. He made all new graphics for the site and moved it to a new location. I found Frederick on http://topsoul.elance.com.
If you ever need some kind of “e” work done, elance is a good resource. I’m republishing a blog post from elance about Frederick here. He’s got an inspiring story! I do recommend Frederick for graphics or web work. I’m sure he has other talents too, so check him out if you need some help. Take a look at the http://extremesportsblog.com to see some of his work. Here’s the post from elance:
Stay-At-Home Dad Dreams Big and Finds Success
Community Spotlight
Elance provider Frederick Pohl’s lifelong dream was to become a successful business owner and family man. His dream became a reality earlier this year when he launched his design business, Pohl Media, on Elance – giving him more time to spend at home with his new daughter.
How did Frederick do it? Here’s his story in his own words:
“After college, I spent ten years working for a number of small businesses while trying to build my design business, Pohl Media, in my spare time,” Frederick explained.
“In 2007, my wife and I were blessed with a baby girl and I decided to quit my job to stay at home with her and work on developing my business.”
“I joined Elance in May of this year and since then, my life has changed so much for the better,” Frederick said. “Because of Elance, I can successfully run my business from home and I don’t have to leave my daughter in day care all day.”
The flexible arrangement of working from home has enabled Frederick and his family to stay in their current location of Gainesville, Florida. “If not for Elance, I would have to move my family to a big city to get the same type of business and income I earn through Elance remotely,” said Frederick.
Almost more important than the earnings, Frederick says, is the quality of work he is finding through Elance. Since joining, Frederick has used almost every graphic design skill in his tool belt including design applications such as Flash, PHP and MySQL.
In fact, Frederick has found so much work on Elance, he is upgrading from an Individual membership to a Small Business membership, and hiring local designers to help him turn jobs around quicker and take on more projects.
“Before Elance, I tried everything to get work. I ran ads in the Yellow Pages, sent out e-mailers and postcards – I spent over $1,000 on local advertising just to get a few good clients,” Frederick said. “But thanks to Elance, Pohl Media is expanding fast and new projects keep coming in.”
Congratulations, Frederick!
If you are a work at home parent and would like to be featured on the Mom Pays for College blog, send me an email and we can see if it is a fit. Lana